Ocean Rights Internationally

With nearly two-thirds of the Ocean beyond areas of national jurisdiction, coordinated international action is necessary to protect Ocean health. We are working with partners internationally, including the High Seas Alliance, the UN Harmony with Nature Initiative and the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law to advance Ocean Rights in International Law.

ELC first issued a call for action for governments around the world to adopt a rights-based approach to ocean governance at the UN Ocean Conference in 2017. In initiative gained over 70 sign-ons from 32 countries (available in English and Spanish). To add your voice to this ongoing initiative, contact Ocean Rights Manager Michelle Bender at mbender@earthlaw.org.

High Seas

In 2018, the United Nations convened negotiations for the International Treaty for Biodiversity on the High Seas. Earth Law Center joined the nearly 40 organizations of the High Seas Alliance, to work toward protecting the half of the planet that is not under national jurisdiction. Learn more about the treaty and process (PDF). It is also available in Spanish (PDF) and French (PDF).

Help us encourage the adoption of a new legal framework into the treaty

How can countries adopt an ecocentric approach into the new Treaty? ELC has submitted multiple comment letters expanding upon ways that the Treaty can ensure the Ocean’s interests are recognized and protected. See our comment submitted to IGC5 here. You can read previous ELC recommendations and analysis as well.

You can also send a letter via email or mailed in support of our most recent comment letter to the OES Bureau, Office of Marine Conservation. You can download this template letter (edit header and name field) and please share!

You can also see the most recent draft of the BBNJ here.


ELC is working to gain formal adoption of the Earth Law Framework for Marine Protected Areas as a best guideline document by the IUCN. ELC held a joint-webinar with the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law and the Ecological Law and Governance Association (ELGA) on the emerging movement of Ocean Rights. You can watch the webinar here, and email mbender@earthlaw.org for powerpoints or to learn more.

You can also help by subscribing to our newsletter, volunteering, or donating to Earth Law Center.